NYU Service vs. NYC Social Issues

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor

NYU boasts a long history of civic unrest, and the students have a reputation for engaging with its community. In addition to protests and rallies, students interact with communities through various on-campus service groups — over 50 in total.

Assistant Director of NYU Service CJ Barnes said that NYU service makes an effort to get students involved and make New York City feel like home. He thinks that the engagement at NYU is very student-driven, and he said that what NYU students spend their time on very much matches what the city needs.

“I think the broadest definition of focus is community development,” Barnes said. “I would say [that] each group has their main focus — it’s really about developing community amongst people at NYU but then taking that development to the broader New York City community.”

However, some issues affect the city more than the others, so WSN compiled some statistics regarding the top issues that plague the city as well as NYU’s community service groups.

They two graphs below compare the following:

    • Five major social issues of NYC and how many people the issues affect
    • Different social issues NYU community service groups work with, what the groups do and the populations they engage with

Additional reporting by Sayer Devlin. Email Diamond Naga Siu at [email protected].